Thứ Sáu, 13 tháng 5, 2016

4 things you need to know when talking to Girls about Music

Music is a popular topic to start a conversation because it is considered the common interest. You can easily get the girl if you know how to talk when it is all about music. One thing you should bear in mind is that music has a close relation with our personalities you don’t want to be similar to anybody! The problem is, Music is everywhere, for instance, Internet is a huge resource for you to exploit. Only using some keywords can get you to different music websites, such as music in mp3, youtube, soundcloud, soundclouddownloader, etc. Therefore, you might be overwhelmed by various offerings. Taking these into consideration will help you to be music clever-er that attracts girls:

1.       Show them your color with your playlist
Some girls like to look at boys’ playlist to define your images so you have to show girls that you have a distinguishable personality. Girls like things to be clear and outstanding instead of compromising with everything. For example, a sensitive man let pop ballad songs dominate his playlist. He likes to get all those beautiful lyrics and keeps them as lessons for himself. On the other hand, active or like-to-throw-party man loves melodies with fast pitch that can blow his mind, make his body move.

2.       Show them how you think about a song in your own way
People can easily empathize with each other when they have the same feeling to the same song, therefore, if you want to impress the girl, find another way of thinking ( but don’t go too far) . In this way, you will be different from the rest of this world. If she finds your explaination is reasonable and completely new, you definitely score ! Congratulations!

3.       You are a smart listener
You are not a plagmatic person. In this huge music industry, you make your own selection of what to listen to. So instead of synching everything available in the trending music part, you can choose a particular taste for your own. It is very important to emphasize yourself with your music choices. Girls love boys with a clear self- identification.

4.       It is your advantage to know how to play an intrusment
It is totally acceptable when you learn an intrusment just because a girl likes to hear. Girls would be very happy if they know they are the motivation for you to put a lot of effort to do something. They think it would be romantic if boys play them or sing to them their favorite songs. Just like in movie scenes repeated on TV that might never be real. 

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