Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 5, 2016

Music and Smart Pregnant Moms

Music has been proved to play an important role during pregnancy. It influences both mother and the fetus,therefore, mothers- to-be have to acquire enough knowledge in order to know how to make the best out of music. This post is for mothers- to –be who are hesitating whether to let their unborn babies listen to music.

Music calms Mothers
In this period, mothers not only welcome the good news but also suffer a lot of stress. It is understandable to all the pregnant . They may be worried about how to take care of the child, or surrounded by tons of house chores and work to do. If this keeps happening, unborn babies can be adversely affected. Aside from other psychological treatment that mothers might think of, listening to music is a great choice for relaxing. It can be found anywhere on the internet, but it is the best to download offline in order for mothers not to be disturbed by waves from Wifi. You should have some websites at your hand such as Youtube ( now they allow to save offline), Soundcloud downloader. Experts highly recommend Classical music which releases Alpha waves stimulating the brain to produce good hormones. Thus, the pressure will reduce to some extent and the unborn child will be much healthier.

Music has a moderate impact on the baby
Fetuses start to hear the noise outside from week 23rd. They react to that through their movements.  In this stage, parents should carefully consider the type of music, the volume of songs played. Some researches show that music is involved to the babies’s better performance in math if their parents play appropriate music while they were still in the womb. Reasoning skills can be developed at early age if the babies expose to piano lessons. Hearing ability could also be improved. Another  studies illustrate that babies at three or four can still remember the songs which are played while they were not given birth. They react quickly to all familiar notes then naturally recognize

Experts have not confirmed any seriously harmful effect of music on the fetus. However, parents should be aware of high volume or wrong type of music. Although the mother enjoys rock very much, Rock ought to be avoided due to loud noise and too high frequency. Some believes that kind of annoyance towards fetus can cause hearing loss to the babies or prematurely giving birth. In addition, mothers should turn the volume at the level enough to listen to. You do not need to wear headphones as on some advertisements on TV ( they are fake anyway). You simply turn on the stereo then enjoy. Do not push yourself too hard if it is not the time you want to listen to music. That can either cause stress. 

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